Kristina Andres

Snowy peaks in the distance

Published on 04.10.2021

40 pages

288 mm x 222 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-4359-9


  • New adventure about the two friends mouse and squirrel
  • Story about braving the unknown and helping others
  • Wonderful illustrations by Kristina Andres

The days are shorter, the trees lost their leaves and the first snow starts to fall. It is winter! That's when the mouse sees them for the first time: tall, white peaks. They must be the mountains, where the river originates! The squirrel is fascinated by them as well, they look like teeth! So while the other animals are preparing themselves for the winter months ahead, the mouse and squirrel prepare their sleigh to go see the snowy peaks for themselves. But the more they approach.. the taller they get! The two friends manage to finally reach the highest top and can look down on the forest they call their home. Satisfied, they want to head home, and decide to simply slide down. But slide on the wrong side of the mountain! Where will they land?

Kristina Andres
Kristina Andres
Kristina Andres

One year with Mouse and Squirrel

The little mouse and her friend the squirrel experience the seasons: in spring, she moves into her cozy burrow. In the summer, she's filled with the longing for distance, for the sea, and mouse and squirrel set off on a journey. In autumn, they gather supplies and catch a cold. And in winter, mouse and squirrel head to the mountains, only to return to their cozy forest right in time for Christmas.

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