Marlit Kraus, Hannah Lang


Scavanger Hunt

Published on 27.03.2023

Reading level: 4 years

52 pages

280 mm x 215 mm

GTIN: 4014489130291


  • Playful scavanger hunt for the youngest
  • Eight stations with different games and tasks to complete - playable inside as well as outside
  • Includes all the material you need for the hunt

Can you help the witch Jolina to protect the dragons? Her job is to protect all the dragons in the village and if her magic works, she can make all dragons and the residents of the village invisible. Can you help her to make the spell work? 

Marlit Kraus
Marlit Kraus

Hannah Lang
Hannah Lang
Marlit Kraus, Hannah Lang


Unfortunately, the fairy Anna has enchanted herself and many things around her have lost their color. Her hair, her magic die, the flowers, her house, the mushrooms, even the butterflies and her unicorn Finn and his best friend Ben have no color. Can you help Anna find other fairies and elves who can help her restore the color?

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Marlit Kraus, Hannah Lang


Scavanger Hunt

Oh no! Emmi the little unicorn has lost her friends while playing outside! Can you help her get them all back together to the colorful hills?

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